The Essence of Suntory,山崎 2005 泥煤麥芽 500ml,,這是在其旗艦山崎釀酒廠生產的泥煤麥芽。 2005 年蒸餾,裝瓶時濃度高達 49%。Hakushu 2012 Rye Type 50cl,三得利的精華,一款來自白州的黑麥威士忌。 2012 年蒸餾,裝瓶時濃度高達 57%。
Chita 2001 Wine Cask 50cl,三得利的精華,單一穀物威士忌,於 2001 年蒸餾,在酒桶中熟成 4 年,然後於 2018 年裝瓶。裝瓶濃度為 49%
Yamazaki 2005 Peated Malt 50cl, , this is a peated malt produced at their flagship Yamazaki distillery. Distilled in 2005 and bottled at a higher strength of 49%.
Hakushu 2012 Rye Type 50cl, The Essence of Suntory, a rye based whisky from Hakushu. Distilled in 2012 and bottled at a higher strength of 57%.Chita 2001 Wine Cask 50cl, The Essence of Suntory, a single grain whisky, distilled in 2001 and matured in a Wine Cask for 4 years before being bottled in 2018. Bottled at 49%